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The Thiede Lab

@ Cornell

About the Lab

Proteins are fundamental to the molecular machinery of life: they are nature's freight trains, construction cranes, and chemical factories. But the basic principles of this machinery are poorly understood. By developing new algorithms that combine machine learning, molecular simulation, and chemical physics, we seek to unpack fundamental protein biochemistry and help develop new therapeutics.

Lab Values

  • We are curious. Science is about learning, not knowing. We are always looking for new ways of thinking, and are comfortable showing that we don't understand everything.
  • We are open. Science is a team sport. To help out teammates, we take pains to share our science freely amongst the scientific community and with the world.
  • We are caring. Doing good science requires delving deep into the unknown: an experience both exciting, and terrifying. On our journey, we celebrate each other's achievements and support each other through setbacks.
  • We are inclusive. We actively strive to make science a place where everyone thrives, no matter their background and identity. We resist oppression of any kind, including but not limited to sexism, classism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism and xenophobia. Everyone is welcome and celebrated here.

Lab News

Feb 18, 2024

We have an job opportunity for a postdoctoral researcher. A detailed job description can be found here.
Update: This position has been filled, and Kwanghwi Je will be joining us in the summer.

Feb. 03, 2023

Joshua and Diego have joined the lab as our first graduate students!


Erik Thiede

Erik Henning Thiede

Erik received his PhD from the University of Chicago working with Profs. Aaron Dinner and Jonathan Weare. He then did a postdoc at the Flatiron Institute CCM, working with Prof. Risi Kondor, Dr. Pilar Cossio, and Dr. Sonya Hanson.

Personal Webpage.

Ettore lo Cascio

Ettore lo Cascio

Ettore is a computational biochemist. He earned his M.S. in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies from the University of Ferrara and then pursued a Ph.D. in Experimental and Translational Medicine at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome. His expertise lies in using molecular modeling techniques to investigate biomolecular dynamics and small molecule interactions.

Jake Moomaw

Jake Moomaw

Jake is a moonshot enthusiast who has worn many hats: algorithms researcher, amateur chemist, software engineer, roboticist, vulnerability researcher and electronics hobbyist. He is currently in the lab as a joint undergraduate researcher and part-time software developer.

Jeffrey Xiang

Jeffrey Xiang

Jeffrey is a junior studying computer science with an external specialization in chemistry. He has previously worked in software engineering and is interested in solving computational and numerical problems in chemistry.


Joshua Rhodes

Joshua Rhodes

Joshua is a graduate student in the Cornell Chemistry Department. His work focuses on developing new probabilistic machine learning algorithms for cryo-EM data.

Diego Sanchez Espinoza

Diego Sanchez Espinoza

Diego is a graduate student in the Cornell Center for Applied Math. His work focuses on developing new strategies for dealing with noise in Markov State Models.


Correspondence can be addressed to eht45[at]cornell.edu.